Kraton Kasunanan Surakarta: A Short Exploration

It had been a dream for me to visit Kraton Kasunanan Surakarta. I once had an opportunity to pass through the Kraton about two years ago, but it was still under restoration. Since then I've sworn to myself that someday I would came back later.

And my dream just came true last weekend. I went to visit the Kraton with a friend. I felt curious but not really excited at the same time, because I really wanted to see what was in there, but another friend who have lived in Solo for about six years told me that the Kraton wasn't well-maintained. 

Those feelings were about to come true after we parked our motorbikes. From the outside, the Kraton looked gorgeous. FYI I like the lighthouse-like tower next to the main Bangsal. Unfortunately the Bangsal was closed and we should enter the Kraton from the east wing.

Then we came in. We could say that my friend was right. It was/is less well-maintained than Kraton Ngayogyakarta. But exploration must go on. As we entered the main yard, the atmosphere seemed to change. There were many 'Sawo Kecik' trees in the yard that create such a peaceful sanctuary. Seeing some of the servants cleaning the yard made it even more calming.

Despite the atmosphere, we couldn't enter the Bangsal and for me it was displeasing. Some parts of the Kraton were still being restored. Even the museum was (is) not what a Kraton's museum supposed to be. The collections do not tell visitors about the history or who the Royal family were/are. Some of them were even almost rotting. Hopefully the Kraton would start to think how to make it even better and represent what it should be.


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