Strolled around UGM

Assalaamu'alaikum wonderful people. It's good to be able to write more posts on the blog. Being productive makes me feel accomplished. It is also due to my ability to hang out with my family. Alhamdulillah for that. And I hope you all have the same opportunities: spending more time with family, exercising, and getting recharged.

Fortunately, after the busy initial weeks of the new academic year, last week I could go out and stroll around Gadjah Mada's campus. The campus can satisfy my interest in architecture. The central academic building is my favorite, but the entire campus has modern and classy buildings with Indonesian-Javanese touches. The pictures show you what I mean.

Then, if you travel to Jogja and want to have a morning or evening jog/run, this is a brilliant choice. Jogja does not have big parks, but Gadjah Mada has. It has the so-called Wisdom Park on the east side of the campus, but for me, the whole walks and streets on the campus are good places for jogging or running. 

I took the pictures on Sunday when it was just one day before the orientation for the new students started. No wonder it felt vibrant. There were a lot of young talents and young minds who were walking around and talking to one another. It was so lively.

So, wonderful people, again, if you're seeking an outdoor place to exercise, Gadjah Mada campus is a brilliant choice. Come and see yourself and see you in the next post. Wassalaamu'alaikum. 


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