Sekip UGM Row Houses Renovated

Assalaamu'alaikum, wonderful people. Connected to the last post, this one is part of the Gadjah Mada campus on which walks and streets you can jog or run. This part is called "Sekip UGM". It is located in the west part of the campus. S, it is on the opposite of the Wisdom Park. 

The area consists of row houses designated for students studying at the university. As the central building, the row houses were built in colonial style. I love it very much. Watch the pictures. I wich I could live there. 

So, after being bonded for quite a long time, the university decided to get it renovated. They become even look like Dutch row houses. Don't you think so? If you're also interested in architecture and fond of exercising, try to jog and run in this area. You won't regret it. Wassalaamu'alaikum wonderful people. 


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