Anniversary Vibes in Town

Assalaamu'alaikum, wonderful people. Hope we're always blessed by and under the supervision of Allah SWT. Aamiin. 

This post is dedicated to my homeland Indonesia, which celebrated its 79th anniversary a few days ago. 17th of August is always special to me as the vibes everywhere in the city are about red and white. The colors have been identical to the celebration of Independence Day. 

BTW, these photos are not new. They were taken about the same time but it was six years ago. Although the city looks different today, the photos bring the same spirit and beauty. 

This is what the zero point looks like when Independence Day is around the corner. My favorite place and buildings at my favorite time of the year. That's all the post about the Independence Day atmosphere at the heart of Yogyakarta, wonderful people. Come. Even on August 17th in the afternoon, you can watch the Afternoon Parade before the flag-lowering ceremony. 


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