Masjid Pathok Negoro Mlangi

Masjid Mlangi is one of the four Masjid Pathok Negoro in Yogyakarta. Pathok Negoro was an occupation in the governmental system of Kraton Yogyakarta, i.e. the one entitled to ulama (Islamic leaders, a sort of fathers in Catholics and Christian) who merited a recognition in the early establishment of Yogyakarta. These ulama were given a piece of land (tanah perdikan) in which a masjid would be built to be a religious center.

The layout of the Masjid adapts the concept of 'Kiblat Papat Lima Pancer', which means four points of compass and one main 'Kiblat': Masjid Mlangi on the west, Masjid Plosokuning on the north, Masjid Dongkelan on the east, Masjid Babadan Lama on the south and Masjid Gedhe Kauman as the center of Islamic studies in Yogyakarta. These four Masjid are part of Kraton's religious court that are involved when there are important decision making at Masjid Gedhe.

Masjid Mlangi was approximately built in the reign of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I (HB I), around the 18 century. It was built for HB I's oldest brother BPH Sandiyo, who was better-known as Kyai Nur Iman. Mlangi comes from the word 'mulangi' or repeating (keep learning about) Islam. Kyai Nur Iman was an ulama who taught Islam in that area. Masjid Mlangi ran it's function as a religious center on the west of Kraton and became a member of Surambi religious court of Masjid Gedhe Yogyakarta.

Masjid Mlangi consists of some parts, i.e. the yard, the terrace or 'serambi', the inner part and 'pawestren', a room for female 'jamaah' (congregants). There are some stuff in the Masjid, i.e. a mimbar (podium) and a khotbah (sermont) stick for 'Jum'ah' prayers, replicas of a 'bedug' (a large drum made of a cow/goat's skin) and a kentongan (a traditional bell made of wood). The architecture is of typical Javanese Masjid with their three-storey pyramid-shaped roof which symbolizes syari'ah, tariqa and haqiqat.


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