Ullen Sentalu, Bridge to Javanese Mataram

It is a shocking fact that most Indonesians feel unfamiliar with Museum Ullen Sentalu: what kind of museum it is, where it is located, what collection it houses, or what it looks like. Even worse is that, while it is located in Yogyakarta, most Yogyakartans don't know where it is exactly. Most of them might've ever heard of this, but all they know is that it's an expensive Museum to visit.
This public opinion could be true, since most museums in Yogyakarta are cheaper (the ticket of course). However, it is also not entirely true, and the reason for this will make it clear when we really visit the Museum.

FYI, Museum Ullen Sentalu is a private Museum that is located in the area of Kaliurang, particularly 'Taman Kaswargan', on the slope of Mt Merapi, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The establishment of the Museum was initiated by Bapak Haryono under 'Ulating Blencong' Foundation in 1994 and was officially opened in 1997. From the center of Yogyakarta City, it's about 20 km away. Since there's no adequate public transport to take visitors, it's highly recommeded that we rent a car/bus or order an online taxi/motorbike taxi. There are three main online taxis in Jogja, i.e. GoCar/GoJek, GrabCar/GrabBike and Uber. We can download the applications on playstore or apple store. Yogyakarta TIC (Tourism Information Center) and all hotels in the City can also help us with the transportation.

Ullen Sentalu is a Museum of history and art. It houses a collection of gamelan (a set of traditional Javanese music instruments), Royal Batik clothes as well as traditional costumes (kebaya, etc.), 'arca' (statues), paintings reproducing real photos and even some private letters as well as poems of the members of 4 Javanese Royal kingdoms:  Kraton Kasultanan Yogyakarta, Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, Kraton Kasunanan Surakarta and Pura Mangkunegaran.

The Museum is a blend of Javanese traditional as well as Colonial architecture. As located on the slope of a mountain, the surrounding creates a very enchanting atmosphere. Getting in the parking area, a statue warmly welcomes us and 'shows' us where the lobby is. After buying a ticket, we should get ourselves checked in and then wait for other visitors and a guide. There are usually 8 persons in a group with a guide.

When there's a group of eight with the guide, we start our 'journey'. The warm guide would explain the collection in each part of the Museum, i.e. 'Goa Selo Giri', 'Kampung Kambang', 'Koridor Retja Landa' and 'Sasana Sekar Bawono'. To know what is inside each part, please come and see yourself. Not only seeing the collection, we would also try a herbal drink with a secret recipe from the former Javanese Royal Queens. It is said to be able to make us more fit and younger.

The ticket is Rp 40.000 for a local adult visitor and 20.000 for a local kid. For an adult foreigner, it costs Rp 60.000 and for the kid Rp 40.000. For Indonesians it may sound expensive, but it's worth it and you won't ever regret it.

BTW, it's also important to note that we can't take pictures of its collection. We'll be allowed to take some once we finish seeing the 'Sasana Sekar Bawono'.

Well, please come and see what's there yourself. Proof you that I'm right and welcome to Yogyakarta.


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