Right in the front of Tratag Sitihinggil and Bangsal Manguntur Tangkil there is a building named Tarub Hagung. This building consists of four made-of-iron pillars and is Alun-Alun-shaped. The building has a meaning: those who like doing semadi and worship Allah SWT, will always be in Greatness, following a straight line heading north, passing Pagelaran, a place where Patihs and their subordinates “sowan” or sitting while waiting for Sri Sultan’s “dawuh” (commands) or instructions. Gelar means clear/bright. Whoever do a semadi will be enlightened by the God. In the middle, there is Pagelaran. The architecture of the banyan tree-fence consists of checks, different from cupit urang in the Alun-Alun Selatan. The meanings and functions are also different. Unluckily, the view is blocked by electricity poles.

Then we get to Alun-Alun. It is a depiction of borderless “Nglangut” atmosphere, our mood in doing semadi. Two banyan trees in the middle depicts as if we are separated from our body, as if we are twins. Microcosm blends with macrocosm. There is a crossroad on the north, depicting obstacles in doing semadi. We may not turn right or left, but should go straightforward to our destination.

Then we get to Beringharjo market. It is a depiction of greater challenges, because there everything is available: beautiful women, delicious food, drinks, colorful dresses and odorous scents.

Heading north, we will get to Kepatihan. A Patih is Sri Sultan’s highest ‘staff’ who has influential authority. It means the obstacles in doing semadi are power, level, position and wealth.

Then, heading north again, we are getting to our destination, i.e. Tugu, a symbol of Alif Mutakalliman Wachid: body, Ilafi, the unification of Kawula and Gusti, Hamba and Allah, a feeling that gives us conviction and Allah’s permission. La chaula wala chuata illa billahil’alahil alim: no power but Allah’s.

Then Sri Sultan gives a sign/hint to depart Kraton’s troops that consist of 9 squads. It is to commemorate Wali Sanga’s merit, the 9 Islam dakwah missionaries in Java.

After the troops marched in front of Sri Sultan, then Gunungans, as Sultan’s alms, both male and female, containing meals, jadah etc. are brought to Masjid Gede Kauman. There a Kyai Penghulu leads prayers for Sri Sultan’s salvation, his people’s wealth and his religion’s and kingdom’s greatness.

It is also important to note that when the gunungans are brought from Kraton to Masjid Gede Kauman, there are salvo salutations from the Kraton’s troops that are guarded by 2 platoons of troops as well, until they reach the main gate of the Masjid. One guarding troop wears a black uniform, while the other wears the white one. Black symbolizes self-determination/firmness while white symbolizes holiness. These two platoons are symbols of firm holiness.


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