Humans come from samun or without ‘material’ (Adam means beginning). Empty in the emptiness, silent in the silence, beginning of the origin is called Sonyaruri. There is only Allah SWT. The God exists proven by his Creatures. One of the creatures is human. Although humans have great thinking abilities, it is impossible for them to figure out Dzat who gives mind and brain to humans, like malaria cannot describe its sufferer. Among all God’s creatures, it’s only human who can feel the His greatness of God and can express their gratitude to the God. Even the naming of God exists because there are humans. Thus the God-Human relationship is similar with that of the Sun and its light. The sun without a light is not the sun; the light without the sun is impossible. The light exists because of the sun. Allah creates humans because of His might called Kun. From the Kun, Ingsun is born, which is human’s origin (human’s oer idée). Because the benih is not yet shaped, it is said to be in the (alam) world of nurkat ghaib and is in the form of light.


Humans have a soul, which means that the ingsun have had the soft form, called a true anasir. This anasir is shaped from 4 powers, i.e. Tirta Kamandanu, Bagaskara, Maruta and Swasana. The explanation is:
1.        Sari Tirta Kamandanu is called rahmani, which is a white light like a star.
2.        Sari Bakaskara is called rokh illafi, which is a red light like the sun.
3.        Sari Maruta is called rokh rabani, which is a yellow light like a moon.
4.        Sari Swasana is the binding agent of the three elements which is then called our wadah/wadag (body).
Then it turns light green. This is what is called cahaya benih/light of origin which will be a place named ingsun. The different amount of the three sari will create 9 colors: dark green, yellowish green, dark blue, light blue, black, yellow, white and purple. They are called cahya siwi or cahya anak (kid’s light). Each color influences the character the will-be-born baby.  
Wiji Siwi or benih anak is owned by men, and women are the place. Men and women who want to have a child should take a look at the wiji siwi while doing a semadi, then make love together. If the woman is prepared at the time, then their willingness will come true, because wiji siwi is already available, unless there is something wrong; say an illness or destiny that makes it impossible.


After the clash between the Wiji Siwi (from the man) and Wiji Telur (from the woman), with the God’s miracles, be the body of the future baby that consists of 4 sari, i.e. water, warmth, air and flesh. In the science of mysticism they are called toya, grama, angin and bumi. The sari of warmth, water and flesh, when unified, is called Trimurti. From these three powers, there is born something called Pramana that lives in the heart. From the heart, there will grow the future baby. This world is called alam baka or sonyaruri. Popular words say: from the future baby, the one that comes first is the heart that can only beat and grow. The heart has 3 powers called Tripusura. Tripusura bears Triloka, i.e. dimak, heart and pringsil, or usually called Ngendraloka, Guruloka and Janaloka. In Islam, they are called Betal Makmur, Betal Mukaram and Betal Mukadas. Another group of popular words says: originating from the heart, there grow part of brain and genital organ. From the heart then 3 powers are born and finally became 3 (suasana/conditions). Loka means a place.


Betal Makmur is a place or condition where everything is designed and then done. This is where buddhi, mind and angan-angan/dreams live. Those who can clean the three of them, will be aware of anything and wise.


Betal Mukaram means a forbidden place. Here the first will is born or wahyaning osik. It is said to be forbidden because will is sometimes good and at the other time is bad. When we are not aware of it, it will be a disaster for us.

The evil osik is under the influence of roh Illafi or budi, and then because it is attracted by a lust, ayet is born. Anyone who is under the power of ayet will be ‘slipped’. The good osik comes from God, lives in Rasa (Rahsa/Feel) in the heart, and then it is called “the right command”. The coming of the commands is without any thinking and considerations, because it becomes our belief/confidence/trust/convincement/faith. Thus, we need to take a look at ourselves if we’ve done the right thing honestly or not. The awareness is trained through semadi.


Betal Mukadas is also called tempa pasucen, from which The God the Almighty creates new creatures in silence and love. God is the love Himself. God is liefde op zich-zelf. All religions hold the principle of love. Then, men and women should stand on and for love to get the same seed/benih.


A material where the body is from consists of 4 elements:
1.        Grama or panas/warmth, coming from rokh (daya/power) that bears 4 lusts, namely:
a.         Aluamah, has a black light
b.         Amarah, has a red light
c.         Suplah, has a yellow light
d.         Mutmainah, has a white light
2.        Wind/air or hawa, that makes:
a.         Napas (Breath)
b.         Ampas
c.         Tan napas
d.         Nupus
3.        Toya or water, that creates 4 kinds of rokh (power):
a.         Rokh Jasmani
b.         Rokh Nurani
c.         Rokh Kabati
d.         Rokh Hewani
4.        Bumi or flesh (muscle)
a.         Blood
b.         Flesh
c.         Bones
d.         Marrow/spinal cord


Banyu urip or toya gesang (living water/levensaap) gives the physical rokh life and power and becomes the beginning of the feeling’s life that spread out to all senses. When the banyu urip is decreasing in number, it means that we are going to die.


Roh illapi comes from the sari of sunlight. The light colors red, like that of morning sunlight. It lives in the heart (jantung), and is in charge of giving the other lights life power.


Lintang Johar comes from Maruta (women’s sari). It is a yellow clear light that looks like a moon. It lives in human’s body in the gall, and has a power to organize the coming in and out of hawa in the lungs.

After all the organs are ready, the baby receives other 5 mudhah, i.e. light, feel, soul, lust and budi. Then he is ready to be born to the world.


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