Who to Thank to for Social Distancing

The Covid-19 Outbreak shocked China by the beginning of 2020. In only a few weeks, the virus has spread all over Wuhan, the City in which it was first found and led it to a lockdown. A few months later, it becomes a pandemic because it has spread to all over the world. Countries with the largest numbers of sufferers are China (of course), Italy, Korea and Iran.

There are two best ways to cope with this pandemic, social-distancing and lockdown. Both ways are mainly meant to avoid the rapid-spread of the virus. Lockdown is a way where people of a country/community should stay at home during the pandemic. If a person is caught walking on a street, the police will arrest him/her. China, mainly Hebei Province Government and Italy have applied this system.

Despite this unfavorable condition, I believe it's a good idea to start thinking of saying thanks to the people/things who help us cope with this. In my version, the following people/things are worth my greatest gratitude.

Even if this pandemic is not favorable, I believe I still need to thank Allah, The Lord Who Have given us this to make us learn how to be a pious and strong believer. Without this all, we will be just a person who forgets what our nature is, what we are supposed to do, and how we are supposed to deal with anything.

Internet Connection
This becomes a priority after Allah because without this, there will be no distance learning, no work from home, no tips to deal with corona-virus shared, no news about this outbreak broadcast, and no tool to get connected to our beloved ones who are in distant. Therefore, internet connection is 'the second god'.

As a shutterbug as well as an explorer, I depend on this platform very much. I post photos of the beautiful places I have visited on this platform. I look for information about the places I want to explore through this platform. And, during this stay-at-home time, I can still 'explore' many places and share photos.

YouTube is the second platform I like the most because I can visualize whatever I heard by watching this. It supports Instagram in terms of providing 'motion pictures' of the pictures on it. It also helps distance learning very much for students to watch any experiments or concept elaboration.

Without sincerity, we will only curse. That's quite normal, but to become a better human, we need to learn how to be more sincere in sealing with anything, including this corona-virus outbreak. By being sincere, we will have the strength to accept this condition, and then will be more open to any solutions to cope with it.

Positive Thinking
Negative thinking will only lead us to curse any condition we have. On the contrary, positive thinking will help us relieve our disappointment on something, then we will be strong enough to see the condition as something not really grim because we have the belief that any hard time will end and sunny days will come.

Travel Bloggers
Travel bloggers might have stocks of photos of their trip around the world. Even though at about this time they also stay at home, they still have the opportunity to post photos of beautiful places they have visited (on any platforms, mainly Instagram). By then, we followers still have the chance to see this beautiful world through the photos they share. Nowadays, travel bloggers and Instagram are not separated.

Caring People
It's so lucky if we live with our family, because we have more quality time to spend with them. Quite similarly, if we live in a 'kosan/dorm/rent room', we're still lucky enough to have our 'kosan' mate to socialize, to cook together, to have a chat, etc.

All and all, it's not favorable if we still curse this condition. If we thank these people/things, we will be able to see this whole condition as something quite positive and beautiful. Say thank you, from now on!


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