Current Images of 'Kepatihan', the Office of The Special Region of Yogyakarta's Governor

As a region, Yogyakarta used to be a kingdom. After the "Giyanti Tractat", some part of its land covered the area that is currently called The Special Region of Yogyakarta. Its Government was led by Their Excellency The Sultans and housed by the so called "Karaton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat".

However, as Indonesia has obtained its independence from the Dutch East Indies Colonialism, The Kingdom, which was led by His Excellency Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX decided to merge itself with the new Republic. As a consequence, it became no longer a kingdom, but rather a Province. Because of its special system of Government, it's then called The Province of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. 

As part of the Republic, the Region is now led by a Governor and Vice-Governor. The Provincial Government no longer seats at Karaton/Kraton because it currently functions as a cultural center. For that matter, the office has been moved to another location called "Kepatihan" which is set on the legendary Jalan Malioboro. After a renovation, the complex looks more 'Jogja' and prettier.


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