Mie Ongklok "LONGKRANG"

Wonosobo, a regency off the north of Purworejo and off the west of Magelang, sets on a highland. The daily average temperatures range from 18 - 22 celcius degree (the hottest) to -5 - 5 (the coldest). Then its traditional culinary is closely connected to this circumstance: presented hot/warm. One of them is called "Mie Ongklok"/noodle. Unlike other Indonesian noodles, its gravy is thick and sweet though it has a lot of small dried shrimps.

Its "friends" to eat are fried 'tempe/fermented soy' and (grilled) beef 'sate'. The Tempe was super. I ate five. As a cow hater, I wouldn't want to try the sate. Its smell always makes me sick. However, my friend convinced that it wasn't smelly. And when I tried it out, it really wasn't. That was my very first time to try to eat beef ever.

One of the most famous 'Mie Ongklok' Restaurants in the town is 'Longkrang'. Please look at the picture for the address. It's actually not far from the town's square, heading north through the street that leads to Dieng Plateau. On the third crossroad (if I'm not mistaken), we need to turn left. The cafe is in the street. Once you visit Wonosobo, please have a try. Highly recommended!


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