An Accidental Exploration of Curug Bonosari Sempor

It is always boring to just stay at home during a quite long semester break. Then, I always find ways to visit places worth exploring.

In this break, while I didn't have/do something urgent to do, I accompanied one of my best friends to distribute Pengajian invitations. We went around Sempor area until all invitations have been delivered.

The last invitation was sent to a man whose house is in Bonosari, Sempor, Kebumen. It was still morning, and not wanting to let this opportunity went, we decided to visit Curug (a sort of small waterfall) Bonosari. Its location is quite easy to find, but we couldn't ride our motorbike, or even worse car. We should park it at the nearest house from the Curug.

From the house, we should hike following the pathway leading to the Curug. We won't feel tired along the way because of the surrounding green views. Though the water volume is not as much as it normally has, the Curug remains fresh, green and cool.


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