The Homey “Kopi bukan Luwak”

Today I had an opportunity to have a meeting with my colleagues at a coffee sanctuary called warung (Javanese term for a shop) “KOPI bukan LUWAK”. My co-teacher suggested to have the meeting there. By the way, the warung is run by her parents, and today (Friday, August 25, 2017) was the last opportunity for everyone to get free coffee, meals, and snacks, everything provided. Next week all costumers will have to pay for what they eat. But don’t worry everything available there is affordable.

KOPI bukan LUWAK” is actually a branch of “KOPI KLOTHOK”, another warung of this kind, but started to open long before, and has got popularity and recognition for its coziness to hang out (you might know it already). This warung almost offers the same things, the same kinds of food (i.e. of Javanese traditional ones), the same Javanese and natural atmosphere (the Joglo and sapi (Javanese cow) cage and the furniture), and quite similar price (or sometimes different, but not too much).

The kinds of food offered are of Javanese “rumahan” (homemade), e.g. “kopi tubruk” (black coffee that leaves ampas), tea, (iced/hot), rice (of course), fried tempe (fermented beans), fried egg, mangut lele (catfish cooked in coconut milk and tastes savory and spicy), brongkos (traditional black soup), chicken soup, lodeh (egg plants soup), terasi sauce, etc. There are also some snacks like crackers and slondok (O-shaped cassava chips) that taste savory and crunchy. They are best to accompany your precious hanging out time with friends, colleagues, or even your loved one(s).

What makes the warung even more special is that the cooks cook using pawon (Javanese traditional stove with wood as the “fuel”. This way of cooking is believed to give a special taste to the food cooked. Then, all the cooks, cook helpers, waiters and stuff are local people around the warung. I think it’s a good thing because there’s a sense of “empowering the local community”.

The warung is located in Kledokan, Pakem, Sleman. Or, many people say it’s on Jalan Kaliurang km 16.5. If you want to go there from the City of Yogyakarta, I recommend you to ride a motorbike or by taking an online taxi. There’s no sufficient public transport to reach the place. When we are heading there from the City, go straight on Jalan Kaliurang, until you pass Universitas Islam Indonesia campus and then Hamzah Batik. From that point, keep going until you see an indomaret shop on your left. Then you turn right and keep going. There are some signs that lead you. Only about 200 m from indomaret, “KOPI bukan LUWAK” is on your right. The warung opens every day, starting from 8 a.m. to evening (till drop, until all food is served). When you come here to Jogja, put the warung on your list of places to hang out, you’ll never regret this. Believe me!


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