Bumi Cendekia: Unique School in the Neighborhood

Assalaamu'alaikum, wonderful people. How's life? In this post, I'll show you the brochure of a school in my neighborhood. It is in Gombang, Tirtoadi Village, Mlati District, Sleman Regency, the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. It deserves a post because it is unique, IMHO. So, basically, it's a boarding school for secondary students (junior & senior high schools). It is a boarding one, where students must live on campus in the dorm provided. Not only the housing, but their accommodation includes meals and laundry services. 

In reality, there are a lot of boarding schools in Yogyakarta. For me personally, this one stands out. It does not have massive concrete buildings or large areas. It does not use an international curriculum like the International Baccalaureate or Cambridge. 

Here are a few things that make it stand out in my opinion:

  1. Although small in size, the design of the buildings is beautiful. They use wooden material for the wall and the design is anti-mainstream. Sorry, I don't have the photos but the brochure pages show us a little bit of that.
  2. From the brochure, we can see that it uses a STEM approach in its learning. Meaning that it applies an interdisciplinary approach to its learning. 
  3. It allows boys to have long hair. It is interesting, as it beats the odds that men should have short hair. It means that the school accepts different interests and values.
  4. It initiates collaboration and cooperation with any institutions and bodies, even those of different religious bases. As an Islamic school, Bumi Cendekia does not limit itself to only collaborating with other Islamic institutions. Then willing to work with an institution of a different religion, Bumi Cendekia is open to diversities. 
From the points I've explained, I conclude that Bumi Cendekia is an institution that upholds creativity, diversity, respect, collaboration, and holistic personal growth, as I do. Here are a few images of the brochure. That's all and wassalaamu'alaikum. Keep being wonderful and positve.


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