"Pak Slamet" Javanese Chicken Soto

Assalaamu'alaikum, wonderful people. Long time no see. Hope you all are doing fine. It's been a while that I didn't have something to post, but luckily, last Saturday I finally found one. Aside from the fact that I misread the information about my friend's wedding party, this Saturday experience was a blast.

So, last Saturday, I got invited to a wedding party. In the invitation, it was written at 10 a.m. However, when my wife and I got to the venue, it was not fully decorated. There was even no food yet. Then, I got my wife call our friend. Surprisingly, he said that I was supposed to be there at 1 p.m. Then my wife got a little mad at me for misreading the information. 

As she was already hungry, we decided to find something to eat. Finding a place that we both like was quite a struggle, since I have lower tolerance of food. After a little bit of argument, we came up with an idea to eat "Soto Lor Bale", one of our favorite soto warungs. Unluckily, when we got there, it was closed already. 

With no hesitation, we went to another popular soto warung not far from Soto Lor Bale, but we haven't tried it out. It is called "Soto Pak Slamet". It is currently located near the level crossing of Pathukan. It is right on the north of it. 

When we got there, it was already lunchtime. It was almost full. A lot of people were having lunch. After ordering, I was quite surprised that the soup was not a light. It looked like having some coconut milk in it. Soup with coconut milk is something that I can't stand. It tastes weird.

However, after trying that out, it was not that bad. It tastes good, though Soto Lor Bale tastes better. One of the keys is that it uses Javanese Kampong Chicken. No wonder it tastes good. One bowl of chicken soto already filled my hunger. Alhamdulillah. Although it is more pricey than Soto Lor Bale, it can be an alternative to eat Javanese chicken soto. Try it out if you haven't. You won't regret it. 

Wassalaamu'alaikum, wonderful people. 


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